Why does ctrl-c not exit mysql input mode in Windows? Because you have told MySQL to interpret your exit commands as valid input. What makes the MySQL terminal hard to understand is there there are different modes for single quote, double quote, and normal mode.
Can anyone share with me how to do that? Reconfigure the mysql prompt to the given string. The special character sequences that can be used in the prompt are described later in this section. If you specify the prompt command with no argument, mysql resets the prompt to the default of mysql.
SQL shell (with GNU readline capabilities). It supports interactive and non-interactive use. When used interactively, query are presented in an ASCII-table format. When used non-interactively (for example, as a filter), the result is presented in tab-separated format. We regularly publish useful MySQL tutorials to help web developers and database administrators learn MySQL faster and more effectively.
All MySQL tutorials are practical and easy-to-follow, with SQL script and screenshots available. When working with MySQL at the command line you’ll arrive at a point when you are finished working. Thus, you’ll want to exit mysql and return back to your operating system’s command shell.
Display a help message and exit. I cannot figure out how to turn this into an exit statement. Here, we are creating a new procedure.

This MySQL tutorial explains how to use the WHILE statement (WHILE LOOP) in MySQL with syntax and examples. In MySQL , the WHILE statement is used when you are not sure how many times you will execute the loop body and the loop body may not execute even once. Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to the MySQL LEAVE statement to exit a stored program or terminate a loop.
Introduction to MySQL LEAVE statement. The LEAVE statement exits the flow control that has a given label. In MySQL , the RETURN statement is used when you are want to exit a function and return the result of the function.
MySQL Enterprise Backup returns one of the following exit codes as it exists an operation. The meaning of each code is explained in Table 13. Stuck in mySQL command prompt.
Description: On Windows XP the exit code of the mysqldump and mysql utilities is whenever an incorrect path is supplied. If status is a string, this function prints the status just before exiting. Exit statuses should be in the range to 25 the exit status 2is reserved by PHP and shall not be used. MySQL Workbench is a unified visual tool for database architects, developers, and DBAs. Save the changes to the example.
To process the SQL script, type the following command. Replace username with the name of the user you created in step 1:. The mysql program processes the script file statement by statement. When it finishes, the database and table are create and the table contains the data you specified in. MySQL Forums Forum List Stored Procedures.
Re: How do you exit a procedure. At the mysql prompt enter exit. A MySQL console window is shown on the right.
Note after entering exit and pressing return you are greeted with bye and returned to a server command console window. To re-run a MySQL console first close this server command console window and click the MySQL console button again. So you enter another single quote to get the normal - continuation prompt, then a ; closes the query, gives you the error, and lets you start over.
Sometimes it is needed to run some MySQL queries from the Linux command-line interface without accessing the interactive MySQL prompt. For example, when it is required to schedule a backup of MySQL database or to automate execution of some SQL queries with a Bash script.
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